Successful Marketing Is Programmed into your Game Design

Introduction In the hypercompetitive landscape of PC game development, the key to visibility and success often lies in the early stages of game design. This guide explores how to lay a solid marketing foundation for your game, emphasizing the critical role of influencers in amplifying your game’s reach. Use the questions in this guide to integrate

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How to Validate a Game Idea?

Introduction Have you already conducted early user testing for your new game? Perhaps you’ve shown your concept to a few enthusiasts or sought advice from expert developers. This might surprise you: one of the most pivotal steps in game development is validating your game idea. It’s not just a step that investors want to hear about,

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When Should I Start Marketing My Game?

Introduction A common question among indie developers and smaller game studios is, “When should I start marketing my game?” The right timing for marketing can make a huge difference – it can turn your game into a big hit or let it slip away unnoticed. Let’s look at some straightforward strategies to get your game the

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How to Use Playtesting to Understand Player Preferences in Game Development

Introduction Many developers find it challenging to understand their target audience´s preferences. This article explains why you should begin iterating your game early on through player feedback, and also looks at how comprehensive playtesting services or hosting a stress test can improve your game for your target audience. This is more critical than ever before, as

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