Stress Testing

Put Your Game to the Ultimate Test

We mobilize our extensive gamer network to push your servers to their limits while capturing invaluable feedback on game design & functionality. This practical approach not only evaluates server capacity but also provides crucial insights into the player experience, offering a holistic view of how your game performs under peak demand. Plus, we offer a money-back guarantee to deliver the agreed-upon number of (concurrent) players for your stress test up to 500 concurrent players.

How It Works

Initial Consultation & First Dive

⚬ You outline your game and stress test needs while we attentively listen.

⚬ Our experts dive deep inside your game as soon as possible, acquiring the insights necessary to craft a custom stresstesting plan with the best fit testers.

Tip: Plan the process of sharing us game access for an immediate start


⚬ We set dedicated text communication channels on Discord/Slack for seamless interaction with your team, maximizing the value we provide through this collaboration.

⚬ We source & invite the testers who fit your exact target audience from our extensive tester network.

⚬ Testers sign our NDAs & join a new private discord for the test.

⚬ We take care of crafting the custom feedback forms, adapting to your wishes.

Comprehensive Evaluation

⚬ We execute the stress test as planned, assessing your game's performance under the specified load, with a focus on server performance & overall functionality.

⚬ The way we host & moderate the test supports gaining valuable player feedback on top of stresstesting.

The Player Feedback

⚬ In the days following the stress test, we encourage players to share their feedback on gameplay, server performance, and overall experience.

⚬ We will compile you a digestible report + access to all the raw feedback.